Top Ten Charter School Stories of 2014 — Georgia Edition
by Georgia Charter Schools Association
Top Ten Charter School Stories of 2014
2014 was a year of deeper public appreciation and understanding of charter schools in our state. Two years after the passage of the Charter Schools Amendment The Georgia Charter Schools Association recorded more positive stories than ever about our schools and the benefits of chartering. Here’s the GCSA staff’s list of the most important Georgia charter school new stories of 2014.
AJC: Governor Deal proposes a statewide “recovery district” to turn around the lowest performing schools, in move that could significantly increase the number of charters. Governor Deal’s Plan to Expand Charter Schools
Augusta Chronicle: In less than a decade, GA goes from the bottom in offering school choice options to one of the top five states for educational opportunity. On School Choice, Georgia is a model
The Georgia Charter Schools Association (GCSA) is the membership organization for Georgia’s charter school operators and petitioners, established in 2001. Our mission is to be an effective advocate and service provider for all charter public schools in Georgia.