Democrat former Minnesota state Senator Ember Reichgott Junge will be in Savannah, Macon, Atlanta and Columbus ATLANTA (Sept. 27, 2012) – The...
Movie to open just as voters consider charter school ballot question Atlanta, GA, September 20,2012 – Georgia parents on all sides of the charter...
Atlanta, GA, September 17, 2012 — Author and nationally acclaimed school reform activist Kevin Chavous will be the guest speaker at KIPP...
by Rae Anne Harkness I am a parent of two children who attend school in south DeKalb County. I have always paid my PTA dues, blindly believing that...
Two other Georgia public charter schools are also winners. Atlanta, GA, September 5, 2012 – The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement has...
Georgia Charter Schools Association Applauds New National PTA Charter Policy:Encourages Georgia PTA to Follow Atlanta, GA , August 29, 2012 —...
Atlanta, GA, August 28, 2012 – U.S. Representative John Lewis (D-GA 5th District) will address scholars at the all-boys Fulton Leadership Academy...
Grant Evaluation Services for Charter Dissemination Grant Responses are due September 14, 2012 Lake Oconee Academy (LOA) and its...
By David Werner Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative and External Affairs As some of you know, I recently changed roles in the Governor’s...
To: All Charter School Leaders, Board Members & Charter School Advocates From: Tony Roberts, President of Georgia Charter Schools Association...
ATLANTA, GA (July 18, 2012) – Results for the Spring 2012 Criterion Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) released last week by the Georgia...
Charter School Development 101 Workshop is for you. Atlanta, GA (July 16, 2012) — The Georgia Charter Schools Association (GCSA) is pleased to...