The Georgia Chamber of Commerce has filed an amicus brief to the Georgia Supreme Court, on behalf of the Georgia Charter Schools Commission and...
Interested in starting a quality charter school? The Walton Family Foundation Start Up Grant initiative can help. The program targets the Atlanta...
The Georgia Charter Schools Association (GCSA) and the Georgia Parent Advocacy Network (GPAN), in conjunction with the Center for an Educated Georgia...
The GCSA has sent a letter to every school superintendent and school board in Georgia, urging them to reject an amicus brief that the Georgia School...
The GCSA has launched CharterUniversity, an extensive professional development initiative featuring more than 50 training and education programs and...
Charter schools in Georgia are performing extremely well in comparison to traditional public schools, according to an analysis of 2010 Annual Yearly...
The Georgia Charter Schools Association (GCSA) has launched a new training platform featuring webinars designed to help individuals and groups...
Eighth grade students attending charter schools throughout Georgia performed better on the 2010 Criterion Referenced Competency Test than students in...
July 30, 2010 The top candidates in two of the most important offices in state government — governor and state school superintendent —...
Here are the unedited questionnaires submitted by Democratic gubernatorial candidate Roy Barnes and Republican state superintendent candidate John...
JOIN G-PAN! GCSA urges schools to share the email addresses of parents and households enrolled in your school to help expand the Georgia Parent...
Two candidates for State Schools Superintendent of Georgia expressed on questionnaires sent to them by the Georgia Charter Schools Association that...