The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) will provide a series of grants to support Whole Child Education. To ensure that students are engaged and challenged, these grants target the areas of College Readiness and Talent Development, Fine Arts, Health and Physical Education, and World Languages. Information on the grants can be found on the websites listed below. All Request for Proposals (RFPs) are available starting on Dec. 6 and proposals are due on Jan. 12, 2023. All grants are available only for Georgia public schools and/or districts.
World Languages
- World Language Cross Curriculum Innovation Grant (CCI)
A total of 40 awards in the amount of $2,000 each for a total of $80,000 awarded to create and/or support sustainable Cross Curricular World Language Instruction initiatives that connect world language instruction with other curricular areas.
- World Language Providing Access for Rural Teachers for New Equipment and Resources (PARTNER)
Up to 15 awards in the amount of up to $2000 each for a total of $30,000 awarded to create and/or support sustainable world language initiatives at quality world language programs in rural districts.
These RFPs are available on the World Languages and Global Workforce Initiatives webpage found at WL Grant Information.
College Readiness and Talent Development
The Summer Bridge Program for Rural Districts Grant (Up to $15,000 per school; focused on K-8)
To enhance access to accelerated and integrated learning for students, GaDOE will award 15 grants from the College Readiness and Talent Development team for a total of $225,000.
RFPs are available on the Gifted Education webpages.
Fine Arts
Fine Arts Consumable and Equipment (FACE) Grant
A total of $500,000 will be awarded for fine arts consumables and equipment to support quality fine arts instruction that occurs as a graded course during the school day. Each grant value is up to $3,000 each.
RFP available on the Fine Arts webpage at FACE Grant information.
Health and Physical Education
Health and Physical Education Equipment (HPEG) Grant
A total of 140 awards up to $3,000 each for a total of $420,000 to be awarded for health and physical education to support quality health and physical education instruction.
The RFPs are available on the Health and Physical Education webpage at HPE Grant Information