The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has approved the accountability addendum request made by the Georgia Department of Education. This approved request will allow GaDOE to make one-year modifications to CCRPI to account for data limitations resulting from the pandemic. The following modifications have been approved for the 2022 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI):
- No Summative Ratings: There will still be 0-100 scores for the indicators and components we are able to calculate (e.g., Content Mastery), but there will be no overall 0-100 scores, including letter grades, for the state, districts, or schools.
- Content Mastery: There will be no change in the calculation for Content Mastery. Participation rates will be reported and used to adjust achievement rates if participation is <95%, as required by ED.
- Progress: ELA and Math progress (SGPs) will not be reported; we will use 2022 testing data to establish a new post-pandemic baseline. Progress toward English language proficiency will continue to be reported.
- Closing Gaps: Closing Gaps will not be calculated for 2022. We will use 2022 testing data to establish a new baseline for future years.
- Readiness: We will not report Student Attendance, knowing it was impacted by illness and quarantines. We will not report College and Career Readiness due to incomplete data. There will be no changes to the Literacy, Beyond the Core, Accelerated Enrollment, or Pathway Completion indicators.
- Graduation Rate: There will be no changes to the four- and five-year adjusted cohort graduation rate calculations.
- School Identification: ED is requiring states to identify new schools for state support (CSI, TSI, CSI-Promise) in 2022. In the absence of an overall CCRPI score, a staged approach utilizing component scores will be implemented to identify CSI schools. The TSI and ATSI criteria will remain unchanged, but will utilize the indicators and components available.
Additional details can be found in Georgia’s addendum request, approval letter, and a PowerPoint summary of the modifications for 2022.