Don’t forget to register your school on FindAGACharter.Org, a new website with crucial information about public charter schools and the most comprehensive school locator in Georgia! Please use the instructions sent to your school leader on Oct. 27 by Daniel Glenn ( After some technical challenges, the site is ready for schools to enter your information! Please set up your account and complete the short profile by November 4th (extended deadline). It should take just a few minutes to review and make updates, and you do not need any web development experience or knowledge! All schools that have not set up an account by then will have a basic profile when the site goes live on Nov. 7. We will celebrate the launch of the website at the end of November, after a testing period.
FindaGACharter.Org is part of the Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative, which was established with a $4.1 million grant awarded by the Office of Governor Brian Kemp as part of the Governors Emergency Education Relief Fund (GEER II). The initiative was founded by the State Charter Schools Foundation, State Charter Schools Commission, and the Georgia Charter Schools Association. The website will be maintained by the SCSF, and information about the Charter Growth Initiative and CSP grant will be posted on the site.
For more information or help, contact: Info@FindaGaCharter.