Charter School Facility Grants (Entitlement Grant)
- GCSA has confirmed with GaDOE that FY22 Facility Grants = approximately $50,000 for all eligible charter schools.
- Instructions sent to LEAs on Oct. 15. Deadline to submit info to Kim Wiggins was Nov. 15.
**NEW in FY22** Charter Facility Grants (Competitive Grants funded with Federal $)
- The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) will use $5 million in CARES funding to issue competitive charter facility grants. This is a one-time allocation of funds to be spent over a period of three years.
- These awards would be made in addition to (not in lieu of) the state entitlement grant.
- GaDOE will provide application instructions in January 2022 (with approvals planned for February or March 2022). Schools will have until 2024 to spend the funds.
FY22 Itemized Allotment Sheets for Locally Approved Charters
- HB 755 (2020) required districts to provide local charters with itemized allotment sheets detailing how much the district provides in 1) state funds, 2) local funds, and 3) federal funds.
- GaDOE confirmed that all local charters should now have these allotment sheets.
- If you have not received this allotment sheet, please email Allen Mueller and Tiffany Taylor at GaDOE (and copy Bonnie Holliday at GCSA).
Contract Amendments Resulting from SB 59 (2021) Changes
- SB59 requires districts to give local charters a proportionate share of federal money UNLESS the schools approve the provision of specific and agreed-upon in-kind services in lieu of funding. (These services must be memorialized within the charter contract.)
- GaDOE is currently collecting the documentation from district authorizers.
- Deadline to submit proposed amendments was Nov. 30.
- Timeline for amendment approvals: 2022 (and likely beyond)
- No authorizer engagement on this topic? Contact Allen Mueller