Georgia’s public charter schools were front and center during National Charter Schools Week! During this special week (May 7-13), GCSA collaborated with member schools to hold open house events across the state. These events gave Georgia charter schools the opportunity to demonstrate to elected officials and the broader community that charters are transforming public education and the lives of children.
On Tuesday, May 9, Sen. Sally Harrell paid a visit to Tapestry Public Charter School. During Tapestry’s “Tap into Culture” event, Sen. Harrell toured the DeKalb County public charter school and spoke with students and administrators.
Commissioner Tony Lowden with the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia attended a community open house at Furlow Public Charter School in Americus. During the open house on Thursday, May 11, Commissioner Lowden gave remarks along with two Furlow high school students, Principal Elisa Falcó and Governing Board Member Laura McConatha.
International Charter Academy of Georgia held an open house event to welcome new families.
Other schools with open house events included DeKalb Brilliance Academy, Tybee Island Maritime Academy, Utopian Academy for the Arts and Yi Hwang Academy of Language Excellence.