Get Connected With the Georgia Department of Education’s Office of Whole Child Supports
The Office of Whole Child Supports is a newer division within the Georgia Department of Education that aims to assist schools/districts with identifying and addressing student non-academic barriers to success while expanding learning opportunities. Programs within the Office include Mental Health & Well-Being (including school social work), Integrated Wellness (including school nursing and school-based health centers), School Safety, Wraparound Support, and Georgia’s Tiered System of Supports for Students. The Office of Whole Child Supports wants to make sure that the charter schools are aware of the division’s programs and have access to School Nursing and School Social Work listservs and its newsletter. Please note that the listservs are specifically for staff who fill those respective roles in schools, but everyone is welcome sign up for the Office of Whole Child Supports’ newsletter. The Microsoft Form below will allow you to sign up for each of these opportunities.
You can also follow the Office of Whole Child Supports on Twitter where the division posts frequent posting updates and shares resources: @GaDOEWholeChild.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Office of Whole Child Supports at