Melissa Poitevient is a special education teacher at Spring Creek Charter Academy. Mrs. Poitevient has been teaching students with disabilities for more than a decade at a variety of grade levels. She was nominated by multiple parents.
“Mrs. P brings more to the table than any teacher I have seen work with my son. She comes up with the most creative, mind stimulating and captivating ways to teach children that often get overlooked in other settings, says one of the parents who nominated her for recognition. “She pushes children with exceptional needs to break the mold and not be held back. She encourages them to know their value and worth, and she does all of that while still being completely understanding of each child’s individual needs and abilities. I have never met a teacher that understood what it meant to love and take care of children like my son and others in her class on both a personal and professional level. She treats our children with respect, love, and is their biggest outside supporter. I know that in her hands, my child will go on to do great things.
Teaching during the pandemic is difficult on all levels, but the children in Mrs. P’s class might have it worse in some ways. Mrs. P was understanding, creative and innovative the last year. She mailed hands-on activities to students, did individual video sessions when needed, understood that while some children could understand or be communicated with about why there was no school in person, others, like my son, couldn’t. She has been so encouraging and helpful during these times.”
Mrs. Poitevient holds Georgia certification in Elementary Education, Special Education, Middle Grades (4-8) Mathematics, and Secondary Science (6-12).