For Immediate Release
Thursday, Aug. 10, 2023
ATLANTA—Public charter school support remains strong in Georgia. 69%, or nearly seven out of every ten registered voters in Georgia, hold favorable views of public charter schools. That’s according to a new public opinion poll conducted on behalf of the Georgia Charter Schools Association in May. Respondents highlighted charter schools’ ability to offer individualized instruction, provide a quality education, and serve as a source of innovation in education.
The survey also found that 59% of registered voters favor expanding the number of public charter schools in the state. The Public Opinion Strategies poll comes after several positive statewide polls showing widespread support for public charter schools.
“These results highlight the growing demand for public charter schools in Georgia,” said Tony Roberts, President and CEO of the Georgia Charter Schools Association. “Charter schools play a vital role in public education by meeting students’ individual needs and preparing them for future success.”
Georgians of all backgrounds and political affiliations approve of public charter schools.
The poll shows that charter schools enjoy bipartisan support across Georgia’s political spectrum. The majority of voters from all parties—73% of Republicans, 68% of Independents, and 65% of Democrats—favor charter schools. In addition, a diverse group of Georgia voters support public charter schools, with 73% of Black voters, 66% of White voters, and 73% of voters of color expressing favorable opinions.
Opposition to public charter schools and their expansion in Georgia is low.
Only 16% of those polled expressed negative views about charter schools, and 23% of respondents were not in favor of charter school expansion. The remaining respondents were unsure whether they support public charter schools or the addition of more charter schools in Georgia.
Methodology: The statewide telephone survey was conducted May 15-18, 2023, with 600 registered Georgia voters. The survey has a margin of error of ±4.00%.
About Georgia Charter Schools Association
The Georgia Charter Schools Association is a nonprofit membership organization for Georgia’s public charter schools and petitioners. GCSA supports, fosters, and advocates for the development of high-quality public charter schools and networks that improve opportunities for Georgia students. We believe every child in Georgia should have equal access to a high-quality, transformative public education.
About Public Opinion Strategies
Public Opinion Strategies is a market research company based in Alexandria, VA specializing in political, corporate and public policy research. Since the company’s founding in 1991, Public Opinion Strategies has completed more than 22,000 research projects and interviewed over 10,000,000 Americans across the United States.
CONTACT: Michelle Wirth
Senior Director of Communications
Georgia Charter Schools Association