Georgia Charter Schools Association salutes The HOWL (Home/Offsite Wolves Learning) Team at Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School (ANCS). This K-8 remote learning planning team was nominated by Chuck Meadows, Executive Director of ANCS.
How is The HOWL Team making a difference at Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School?
This schoolwide team of 12 faculty/staff members developed, planned and implemented a comprehensive 4-phase remote learning plan for all grades at ANCS.
How has The HOWL Team been innovative, supportive or adapted to distance learning during the COVID-19 crisis?
The ANCS HOWL (Home/Offsite Remote Learning) Plan developed by this team has received stellar reviews from parents and the school’s governing board. Attendance/participation rates by students are consistently high. Students have an opportunity to directly connect with teachers and classmates. Academic support and special education teachers are conducting one-on-one check-ins on a regular basis. Administrators post videos, related arts teachers post regular assignments, and schedules are set for each grade level. All this is housed on a central website that the entire school uses to access their learning and support materials.
Members of the ANCS HOWL Team: