Weekly Charter News Roundup Feb. 11 – Feb. 26
Students at Peachtree Charter Middle School in Dunwoody have turned a school garden into a community outreach project that helps those in need.
Students at Peachtree Charter Middle School in Dunwoody have turned a school garden into a community outreach project that helps those in need.
KIPP STRIVE Academy in Atlanta wins the Georgia Charter School Association’s 2016 Georgia Charter School of the Year Award. The Coca-Cola Foundation sponsored the $50,000 award for the fifth straight year.
Hundreds of Georgia charter school teachers, leaders and authorizers will gather for the 13th annual Georgia Charter Schools Conference on Feb. 3-5 at the Marriott Century Center at 2000 Century Blvd. N.E.
High School graduation rates are increasing throughout Georgia, including at a number of charter schools in Fulton County.
Several national reports released jointly this week by Mathematica Policy Research, the Center for Research on Education Outcomes, and the Center on Reinventing Public Education say the majority of students enrolled in virtual charter schools have shown weaker gains in reading and math than those who attend similar brick and mortar schools.
Amana Academy, in Fulton County, was featured in the Atlanta Business Chronicle. The charter school is the first in the world to become a Kano computing academy. The purpose of Kano is to provide an introduction to computer programming languages for children.
We regret the unfortunate instance of alleged financial mismanagement that has reportedly taken place at Latin Academy in Atlanta. After speaking with several members of the school’s governing board, the Georgia Charter Schools Association is confident that students and academics at the school did not suffer as a result of the mismanagement. We congratulate Latin Academy’s board for swiftly launching a full-scale investigation, which uncovered the alleged fraudulent financial dealings at the hands of its former school leader. This underscores the importance of having properly trained school governance boards at every Georgia charter school. Those boards need to be well trained and fully involved in all aspects of school and financial oversight.
We regret the unfortunate instance of alleged financial mismanagement that has reportedly taken place at Latin Academy in Atlanta. After speaking with several members of the school’s governing board, the Georgia Charter Schools Association is confident that students and academics at the school did not suffer as a result of the mismanagement.
A metro Atlanta charter school will receive a large grant from a state agency. The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement has selected Drew Charter School as a recipient of a $700,000 “Fiscal Year 2016 Innovation Fund Grant Award.”
The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement has just selected Drew Charter School as a recipient of its “Fiscal Year 2016 Innovation Fund Grant Award.” The school will receive a $700,000 implementation grant for a project that aims to eliminate summer learning loss, increase teachers’ content knowledge, support more rigorous and creative project-based learning and accelerate students’ skill development.
In positive charter news this week, KIPP STRIVE Academy in Atlanta has been named a National Blue Ribbon School by the U.S. Department of Education. The school is one of only nine in Georgia to receive the honor.
The Georgia Charter Schools Association (GCSA) wants to congratulate KIPP STRIVE Academy in Atlanta, Georgia for recognition as a 2015 National Blue Ribbon School. The school is one of only nine in Georgia to receive the award.
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