The purpose of the town hall is for panelists to discuss what charter schools and other school choice options mean for black and minority families in...
The Georgia Charter Schools Association wants to congratulate the Savannah-Chatham Public School Board for approving the Susie King Taylor Community...
For Immediate Release: Sept. 30, 2016 ATLANTA – The Georgia Charter Schools Association applauds the Charter Schools Division of the Georgia...
On November 8th, Georgians will vote on a proposed constitutional amendment related to how “chronically failing public schools” are governed....
For Immediate Release: Aug. 19, 2016 ATLANTA, Ga. — Georgia Charter Schools Association (GCSA) supports the Georgia Board of Education’s...
New Schools for Georgia, Georgia’s Charter School Incubator, is seeking applications from mission-driven teams to develop and expand rigorous,...
Georgia Charter Schools Association disagrees with conclusions that have been drawn by the Atlanta Journal Constitution regarding theft that...
Georgia Charter Schools Association (GCSA) recently sent a survey to all Georgia House and Senate candidates ahead of the upcoming election in...
Georgia Charter Schools Association (GCSA) is pleased Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal signed HB 895, sponsored by Rep. Rahn Mayo, D-Decatur, into law on...
ATLANTA – Lake Oconee Academy high school students received a College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) score that places them among the...
KIPP STRIVE Academy in Atlanta wins the Georgia Charter School Association’s 2016 Georgia Charter School of the Year Award. The Coca-Cola...
Hundreds of Georgia charter school teachers, leaders and authorizers will gather for the 13th annual Georgia Charter Schools Conference on Feb. 3-5...