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Attention *New* Board Members Who: Board members of locally approved schools who have served less than one year and have not received […]
Attention *New* Board Members Who: Board members of locally approved schools who have served less than one year and have not received […]
Last Friday, Rep. Buzz Brockway, R-Lawrenceville, filed House Bill 430, a charter school equity and charter authorizer accountability bill incorporating the charter school recommendations coming out of the 2015 Education Reform Commission. The […]
Charles R. Drew Charter School Teacher Claudia Fitzwater is one of three Georgia educators to win the 2016-2017 Innovation in Teaching Competition. Gov. Nathan Deal announced the winners on Tuesday, […]
On Friday, January 13, more than 300 people came to an education town hall held at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta’s Old Fourth Ward. The purpose of the town hall […]
Charles R. Drew Charter School Teacher Claudia Fitzwater is one of three Georgia educators to win the 2016-2017 Innovation in Teaching Competition. Gov. Nathan Deal announced the winners on Tuesday, […]
Georgia Charter Schools Association wants to congratulate Charles R. Drew Charter School student Alvin Winston. Winston has been selected as a delegate to the 55th annual United States Senate Youth Program […]
Matthew Lindsey, Ed.S., has been appointed the Executive Director of Hapeville Charter Middle School and Career Academy. Lindsey has a decade of education experience and previously served as a classroom instruction, teacher support coach and Dual Enrollment Director. Under his leadership, nine HCCA students have received Gold medals at state competitions and have achieved national competitor status at SkillsUSA’s National Competition.
Third graders at Amana Academy used knowledge they acquired in their STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) subjects to design a real-world solution to a local environmental problem. At issue is a declining population of a bird species found in Wills Park, a 95-acre park located directly behind the school.
The Georgia Charter Schools Association is proud to announce the 2017 Charter School Job Fair. Member schools and non-member schools are invited to attend this exciting event on Saturday, February 25. The job fair is designed to match school administrators with potential faculty and staff candidates. Please see additional event details below.
Last year, the Charter School Job Fair attracted more than 250 current and aspiring educators. Each participating school will be provided with a classroom they can arrange as necessary to screen and interview potential candidates. At the conclusion of the Job Fair, each participating school will receive a database of candidate resumes and a spreadsheet with candidate contact information.
The purpose of the town hall is for panelists to discuss what charter schools and other school choice options mean for black and minority families in Georgia, Atlanta and the nation. This dialogue comes just before Martin Luther King Day in the heart of Atlanta’s historic civil rights community and is particularly timely due to the recent Charter School Moratorium Resolution approved by the NAACP’s National Board of Directors.
Join GCSA and Georgia Charter Schools Association for an important education town hall at Ebenezer Baptist Church this Friday at 7 p.m. Ebenezer Baptist is located at 101 Jackson Street NE in Atlanta. The town hall will focus on what charter schools, school choice and the NAACP Charter Moratorium mean for minority communities.
Gerard Robinson has been chosen as keynote speaker for the 2017 Georgia Charter schools conference. Robinson is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he works on education policy issues including choice in public and private schools, regulatory development and implementation of K-12 laws, the role of for-profit institutions in education, prison education and reentry, rural education, and the role of community colleges and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in adult advancement.
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